eVolve Tag Families

The eVolve Electric tags allows elements to be identified based on the associated parameters.

The family files for the associated tags are located in - C:\Program Files\eVolve\eVolve Electrical for Revit 20xx\Resources\Families.


The Assembly tag displays values for the following associated parameters:

  • Type Name - located in the Type menu in the Type Properties window.
  • eVolve_AreaTypeId - located in the Text section of the Properties Browser.
  • eVolve_CustomId - located in the Text section of the Properties Browser.
  • eVolve_EstimateId - located in the Text section of the Properties Browser.
  • eVolve_KitId - located in the Text section of the Properties Browser.
  • eVolve_LevelId - located in the Text section of the Properties Browser.
  • eVolve_PhaseId - located in the Text section of the Properties Browser.
Area Type ID

The Area Type ID tag displays the value for the following associated parameter:

  • eVolve_AreaTypeId - located in the Text section of the Properties Browser.

Custom ID

The Custom ID tag displays the value for the following associated parameter:

  • eVolve_CustomId - located in the Text section of the Properties Browser.

Kit ID

The Kit ID tag displays the value for the following associated parameter:

  • eVolve_KitId - located in the Text section of the Properties Browser.


The Description tag displays the value for the following associated parameter:

  • eVolve_Description - located in the Identity Data section of the Properties Browser.

Description & Length

The Description & Length tag displays values for the following associated parameters:

  • eVolve_Description - located in the Identity Data section of the Properties Browser
  • eVolve_Length - located in the Dimensions section of the Properties Browser.

Equipment ID

The Equipment ID tag displays the value for the following associated parameter:

  • Equipment_Id - located in the Constraints section of the Properties Browser.

Busway Elevation

The Busway Elevation tag displays values for the following associated parameters:

  • eVolve_Description - located in the Identity Data section of the Properties Browser.
  • Bottom Elevation - located in the Mechanical section of the Properties Browser.
  • Top Elevation - located in the Mechanical section of the Properties Browser.

Cable Tray Elevation

The Cable Tray Elevation tag displays values for the following associated parameters:

  • eVolve_SubCategoryId - located in the Identity Data section in the Type Properties window.
  • Width - located in the Dimensions section of the Properties Browser.
  • Height - located in the Dimensions section of the Properties Browser.
  • Bottom Elevation - located in the Electrical section of the Properties Browser.
  • Top Elevation - located in the Electrical section of the Properties Browser.

Pathway Elevation

The Pathway Elevation tag displays values for the following associated parameters:

  • eE_Busway_Description - located in the Text section in the Type Properties window.
  • Width - located in the Dimensions section of the Properties Browser.
  • Height - located in the Dimensions section of the Properties Browser.
  • Bottom Elevation - located in the Mechanical section of the Properties Browser.
  • Top Elevation - located in the Mechanical section of the Properties Browser.

Conduit Elevation

The Conduit Elevation tag displays values for the following associated parameters:

  • eE_Conduit_Run_Id - located in the Construction section of the Properties Browser.
  • Diameter(Trade Size) - located in the Dimensions section of the Properties Browser.
  • Bottom Elevation - located in the Electrical section of the Properties Browser.
  • Top Elevation - located in the Electrical section of the Properties Browser.

Trapeze Elevation

The Trapeze Elevation tag displays values for the following associated parameters:

  • eVolve_CustomId - located in the Text section of the Properties Browser.
  • T1_Length - located in the Constraints section of the Properties Browser.
  • eVolve_SubCategoryId - located in the Identity Data section of the Type Properties window.

Conduit ID

The Conduit ID tag displays values for the following associated parameters:

  • eE_Conduit_Run_Id - located in the Construction section of the Properties Browser.
  • Diameter(Trade Size) - located in the Dimensions section of the Properties Browser.

Kick 90

The Kick 90 tag displays values for the following associated parameters:

  • eE_ConduitRun_Size - located in the Construction section of the Properties Browser.
  • eE_ConduitRun_Type - located in the Construction section of the Properties Browser.
  • eE_ConduitBend_DimA - located in the ---Bend Information--- within the Dimensions section of the Properties Browser.
  • eVolve_DescriptionTwo - located in the Identity Data section of the Properties Browser.


The Offset tag displays values for the following associated parameters:

  • eE_ConduitRun_Size - located in the Construction section of the Properties Browser.
  • eE_ConduitRun_Type - located in the Construction section of the Properties Browser.
  • eE_ConduitBend_DimB - located in the ---Bend Information--- within the Dimensions section of the Properties Browser.
  • eVolve_DescriptionTwo - located in the Identity Data section of the Properties Browser.

Layout Point

The Layout Point tag displays the value for the following associated parameter:

  • Layout_Point_Id - located in the Text section of the Properties Browser.

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