EVOLVE Shop - Submit Spools

EVOLVE Shop - Submit Spools

Note: When using this integration for the first time within a project file and trying to send a Spool Sheet PDF, users may receive the error below. If this occurs, user will need to first open the EVOLVE Export Utility then try again. This only needs to be done 1 time per Revit project.


The Submit Spools window contains tabs used to map Revit Spools to Shop Work Requests, define export items, and preview data before publishing to the Shop module.

  • eVolve tab ⮞ Integrations panel ⮞ EVOLVE Shop menu ⮞ Submit Spools button


  • The proper Shop project must be associated with the current active model.
  • All desired Work Requests must be created in the Shop module on https://foresite.evolvemep.com/


Associating Revit Spools and Shop Work Requests
  1. From the eVolve ribbon, in the Integrations panel, expand the EVOLVE Shop menu, and click Submit Spools.
  2. From the Submit Spools window, from the Map Revit Spools to Shop Work Requests tab, you may either drag and drop the a spool to a work request or a work request to a spool.

Window Overview

Submit Spool - Map Revit Spools to Shop Work Requests

  • Revit Spools panel - displays the available spools in the current active Revit project.
  • Shop Work Requests panel - displays the available Work Requests of the associated Shop project.
  • Current Mappings panel - displays a summary of the associated Revit Spools and Shop Work Requests waiting to be published.
  • Publish button - the Publish button is displayed on all tabs and is used to issue the assigned Revit Spools to the Shop Work Requests for the associated Shop Project.

Submit Spool - Options

  • Export Items panel
    • Spool Sheet PDF checkbox - when checked, PDFs of the spool sheet(s) are included when the current items are published.
    • Spool Member Data Profiles Mapping panel
      By default, the minimum amount of data needed to associate a spool with a work request is sent to Shop. However, the default data sent is most likely not the desired information needed to create a bill of material to send to a customer.
    • Bill of Materials checkbox - when checked, the loaded Data Profile(s) are used to resolve the currently mapped elements.
      • Bill of Materials grid - used to set, rank, and display the loaded Data Profile(s).
        • NOTE: if an element adheres to multiple data profiles, the Rank will determine which data profile to use.
    • CSV File checkbox panel - when checked, a CSV file for each selected Data Profile is sent when the current items are published.
    • Update Spool Status checkbox - when checked, the spool status is modified to the selected option in the menu.
      • Update Spool Status menu - displays the available statuses.

Submit Spool - Preview

The grid is populated based on the Data Profile(s) loaded in the Spool Member Data Profiles Mapping/Bill of Materials grid on the Options tab and is used to review the current proposed spool/work request mapping information before publishing.

Tips and Tricks

  • Multiple spools may be dragged to a work request

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