Dynamic Values
Dynamic Values
Dynamic values allow parameters to be used as variables to automatically generate new values. Multiple parameters may be concatenated to ensure the values are unique. Various features in EVOLVE incorporate this function to help with naming and renumbering elements. While not all features natively support dynamic naming or numbering, the Parameter Sync feature may be used to push parameter values to other parameters.

Using dynamic values
Fields supporting dynamic values appear as a drop-down menu. To add a parameter, click the menu and select the desired value. The parameter appears in the field wrapped in angled brackets,.e.g. <Category>. To concatenate multiple parameters, click the menu and select another parameter.
NOTE: Some parameters may not appear in the menu, however, parameters may be manually added. When manually adding a parameter, ensure the parameter is wrapped in angled brackets and spelled correctly.
Text and spaces not appearing in brackets are added to the final output and may be used as a prefix, suffix, and/or delimiter,.e.g. <Width> x <Depth>

Features that natively support dynamic values
- From the Location Settings window, on the Sheet Settings tab in the Views/Naming panel - Select parameter(s) field
- From the Location Settings window, on the Sheet Settings tab in the Views/Sheets panel - Select paraemter(s) field
- From the Location Settings window, on the Schedule Settings tab in the Schedules/Naming panel - Select paraemter(s) field
- From the Create/Define Spool window - Starting Spool Name field
- From the Rename Spools window - New Value field
- From the Create Define Package window - Package Name field
- From the Rename Packages window - New Value field
IMPORTANT: Dynamic naming is only supported for hosted points, to place a hosted point press and hold SHIFT when clicking the Create Point button.
- From the Create Points window, in the Point Information panel - Enter a value for Point Description field
- From the Renumber Configuration window, in the grid - Prefix cell
- From the Renumber Configuration window, in the grid - Suffix cell
- From the Renumber Configuration window, in the grid - Write To cell
- From the Renumber Configuration window, in the grid - By Parameter(s) cell
Data Profiles
- From the Data Profiles window, in the Fields for grid - Parameter cell
NOTE: Dynamic values are not supported when the Direct is set to Import.
Parameter Sync
- From the Parameter Sync window, in the grid - Copy from Parameter cell
Export Utility
- From the Export Utility window, on the Destination tab in the Output File Names panel - Sheets field
- From the Export Utility window, on the Destination tab in the Output File Names panel - Views field

Example 1
The following rule concatenates the information from the sleeve's width, sleeve depth, service abbreviation, and family type name.
The rule is:
<Sleeve_Width> x <Sleeve_Depth>_<eM_Service Abbreviation>
Typical output - 0' - 8 1/2" x 0' - 8 1/2"_CHWR
Example 2
The following rule concatenates the information from the conduit's Reference Level, Diameter, and Service.
The rule is:
<Reference Level>_<Diameter(Trade Size)>_<Service Type>
Typical output - Level 1_4"_Power
Example 3
The following rule concatenates the information from the pipe's Size, Material, and Service.
The rule is:
<Product Size Description>_<Product Material Description>_<Fabrication Service Abbreviation>
Typical output - 2"_Cooper_CHWR
Example 4
The following rule concatenates the information from the duct's size, length, and service.
The rule is:
<Size>x<Length>_<Fabrication Service Abbreviation>
Typical output - 12"x12"x4' - 10"_SA