Features for Recessed Can

General purpose
The Recessed Can family has some unique features centered around adjusting the size, shape, and placement of the can's aperture.
- Aperture may be square or round
- Aperture size is adjustable
- Aperture may be centered or offset
Unique type parameter
- Aperture_Diameter - controls the diameter of the aperture.
- Aperture_Offset 1 - vertical offset from upper right corner.
- Aperture_Offset 2 - Horizontal offset from upper right corner.

- Aperture_Centered - when checked, offset values are ignored and aperture is centered.
- Aperture_Round - when checked, the aperture's shape is round. This option is checked by default.
- Aperture_Square - the aperture's shape is square when the Aperture_Round option is unchecked.