Updating Revit Keyboard Shortcuts
Steps for updating Revit Keyboard Shortcuts file
In this article you will find steps on how to upgrade a Revit Keyboard Shortcuts file. This can be done to avoid having to reset EVOLVE hotkeys when updating from version 8.0.1 or lower to version 8.2.2 or higher. The steps below are not necessary if updating from 8.2.2 or newer.
The following steps must be done for each version of Revit.
- Open Revit
- Export Revit Keyboard Shortcuts
- Steps for exporting Revit Keyboard Shortcuts can be found at Help | Export Keyboard Shortcuts | Autodesk
- Close Revit
- Open Notepad in Windows
- Use Notepad to open the KeyboardShortcuts.xml file generated in step 2
- If you do not see the file set the file type to All Files in the Open dialog
- If you do not see the file set the file type to All Files in the Open dialog
- With the KeyboardShortcuts.xml file opened, in Notepad go to Edit > Replace
- On the search line, enter "eVolve Electrical%asti-" without the quotes
- On the replace line, enter "eVolve Electrical%eE" without the quotes
- Click Replace all
- Save the KeyboardShortcuts.xml file
- Close Notepad
- Update EVOLVE
- Open Revit
- Import the KeyboardShortcuts.xml file
- Steps for importing Revit Keyboard Shortcuts can be found at Help | Import Keyboard Shortcuts | Autodesk
- Repeat for each version of Revit as necessary