EVOLVE Electrical 8.0.1 Hotfix
- Autodesk® Revit® 2022.1.8
- Autodesk® Revit® 2023.1.6
- Autodesk® Revit® 2024.3.1
- Autodesk® Revit® 2025.3
EVOLVE Electrical 8.0.1 Hotfix fixes issues found in the 8.0.0 release and includes content improvements
Upgrade Notices
Configuration setting incompatibilities
Some feature's project configurations may not be compatible with previous versions. To prevent compatibility issues, all project members should be on the same version.
- Location Settings: brings back sheet settings
- Report Manager relationship validation uses on-demand
- Remove reporting 'login' stat to Pendo as a requirement
- Profile message box prompt display time as Revit Selection
- Modify Package - Disabled Package Restrictions Selection Mode
- Spools are now selectable in this mode
- EULA updates
- Content Updates
- Fix an issue with Reset Bend and Connect Elements generating a debug log in some versions
- Fix sheet creation error when encountering duplicate sheet numbering
- Fix Plane created too far from Origin error when tagging
- Fix conduit run length calculation for standalone conduit bends
- Fix Sleeve tools using wrong diameter for placement
- Fix conduit Auto Route not extending to equipment in all cases
- Fix incorrect unit conversions in Spacing and Alignment dialog
- Parameter Push Fix
- Sleeves Settings error
- Fix PowerShell setting getting reset when not opening a model
- Fix error when creating a custom library via Family Browser
- Conduit Run Schedule - Segment QTY Error
📂Content Updates
- Fixed an issue with how the bend radius was calculated and applied in the Factory Elbow family (eE_CN_Factory_Elbow)
- Added QOL parameters to the Factory Elbow family to provide the user with feedback on the current bend radius selection logic and report the currently selected bend radius.
- Changed the stub 90 family (eE_CN_Stub_90_v12) default angle tolerance to .1.
- Added an image for the stub 90 family.
- Removed the kitting box families (eE_ASM_Kitting_Box_10, eE_ASM_Kitting_Box_20) from the family browser and content library.
- Fixed an issue with how the inside diameter was calculated in the conduit sleeve family (eE_SV_Autosleeve_Round).
- Fixed an issue with nested families within the new trapeze hangers (eV_ASM_HS_Angled_Channel_Trapeze, eV_ASM_HS_B2B_Channel_Trapeze, eV_ASM_HS_Single_Channel_Trapeze).
- Fixed an issue with the laypoint point in the eV_ASM_HS_Single_Channel_Trapeze family.
- Added a tooltip to the parameter “CID(s) to not Explode” within the View Window family.
- Corrected various Groups and Subgroups of rules within the DefaultConfigurationEntries.eVBatch file.