Kitting Boxes

The eVolve Kitting Box families have been created to significantly reduce the time spent placing common items throughout the project. Rather than modelling each family in each area and kitting each one, simply enter all of the items into the kit box fields once and place that kit box wherever applicable. One family hold up to 10 items and the other holds 20.

Type Properties
(For this family, all of our options are under type properties)
- Box Size- The dimensions of the box are fully adjustable. Use the fields below.
- Length
- Width
- Depth
- Item 1 (Use the same process for each additional item added)
- SubCategoryId- Enter the Sub Category of the family. (if using a part from the eVolve library, select the part and view the subcategory id used in the properties browser. Copy & Paste it into this field)
- Count- Enter how many of this item will be placed in the box
- Length- If applicable, enter the length of the item
- Description- Enter a description for the item. (if using a part from the eVolve library, select the part and view the default description in the properties browser. Copy & Paste the description into this field)
- Description 2- Optional secondary description field for more details or notes
- Unit of Measure- Enter a unit of measure for this item. EA for each, LF for linear foot, etc...