Hanger Placement

Hanger Placement


The summary should speak to the user, why this feature is useful and what are the benefits.

  • eVolve tab ⮞ Supports panel ⮞ Hanger Placement button



  1. From the eVolve ribbon, in the Supports panel, click Hanger Placement.
  2. From the Hanger Placement window, on the Placement tab, select the required Profile and Mode, and set the desired Attach To option from the Options tab, then click OK. If a placement profile has not yet been defined, go to Hanger Settings and build one.
  3. From the drawing area, select the desired parallel straights to place hangers and click 'Finish'.

Window Overview

Hanger Placement/ Placement tab

NOTE: The Hanger Placement's predefined selection filter can be modified via the Selection Configuration. Please see the link in the Relevant Articles below.

  • Profile panel menu - displays a list of available placement profiles
  • Mode Panel
    • Entire Path - when selected, hangers are placed along the entire connected run.
    • Change of Direction - when selected, hangers are placed until a change of direction is reached, like an elbow, tee, cross, etc.
    • Single Hanger - allows users to point and click to place a hanger. Note after placing a hanger, the command remains active until canceled by the user so that multiple hangers may be placed.

Hanger Placement/ Options tab
  • Attach To panel
    • Nearest Structure Overhead radio button - evaluates the host model and all "loaded" linked models and attaches to the nearest structure element.
    • Distance Below Level radio button dialog box- evaluates the host model and attaches to the nearest level overhead. The input value reduces the rod length below the level to compensate for the floor thickness.
    • Linked Model radio button menu - evaluates the specified linked model and attaches to the nearest structure element. The menu displays a list of all "loaded" linked models.
    • Reference Plane radio button menu - evaluates the host model and attaches to the specified Reference Plane.

NOTE: Distance Below Level and Linked Model are only available when using a Family (RFA) based hanger profile.

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