Knowledge Base > Getting Started > Learning Tracks
The following learning tracks are intended to provide users a path through the EVOLVE Electrical help documentation. Important: EVOLVE is an add-on to the Revit platform, therefore, general knowledge…
Updated 1 year ago by Adam Heon
The following links provide users with a general overview of the common aspects of the program that all EVOLVE users will encounter when using the tools and families. These common aspects of EVOLVE a…
The following topics cover the various modeling-related features that EVOLVE provides. These tools are created to model quicker and more accurately. Each topic will provide the intended workflows, bu…
This track covers the EVOLVE features which are utilized to create project deliverables such as; spool, sheets, schedules, and reports. Spools. Packages. Locations. Reports. BACK
Coming soon... Conduit Data. Workset Manager. Daily Utilities. BACK
Coming soon... General. Content Editing. Content Creation. Advanced Content. BACK
BACK Coming soon... PowerShell. Data Profiles. Data Tables. Reports.
The following links provide the EVOLVE licensing administrator and/or IT information about the desktop installation and licensing setup and administration. Account & Licensing Management. Desktop Ins…