Concentric Bends

Concentric Bends


The Concentric Bends function converts modeled Stub 90 bends into concentric bends.

  • eVolve tab ⮞ Conduit Bends panel ⮞ Concentric Bends button


IMPORTANT: This feature requires the use of the eE_CN_Stub_90_v12 family or higher.

To convert (pre-selection)

  1. From the drawing area, select the desired group of stub 90 bends.
  2. From the Electrical ribbon, in the Conduit Bends panel, click Concentric Bends.

To convert

  1. From the Electrical ribbon, in the Conduit Bends panel, click Concentric Bends.
  2. From the drawing area, select the desired group of stub 90 bends.
  3. From the options bar, click 'Finish'

Tips and Tricks

NOTE: If some or all of the select bends have been converted, a dialog will appear to either:

  • Update selection to concentric bends (used to update bend information due to additional bends being added to the run and/or the parallel spacing has been modified).
  • Reset bends to standard radii (used to revert selected bends to the default radii)
  • Use existing minimum to make concentric - if the "inside" elbow's radi has been overwritten, all selected elbows will be adjusted to match.

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