Knowledge Base > User Guides > Conduit Bends
Smart Bend Multi-Trim. Summary. The Smart Bend Multi-Trim feature adds bends families to allow multi-trimming of families not aligned or on different X,Y, and/or Z planes. This feature connects one o…
Updated 1 year ago by Kerry Poe
Optimize Bend - Consume Selected End. Summary. The Optimize Bends features allow for a streamlined workflow for prefab and design optimization, with less time spent cleaning up groups of bends. With…
Updated 1 year ago
When modelling with the advanced tools provided in eVolve Electrical, such as our optimize bends tools, the occasion may arise where a bend needs to be reverted to its original state (ex.. swapping t…
Updated 2 years ago by Adam Heon
Concentric Bends. Summary. The Concentric Bends function converts modeled Stub 90 bends into concentric bends. eVolve tab ⮞ Conduit Bends panel ⮞ Concentric Bends button. Usage. IMPORTANT : This feat…
Updated 2 years ago by Kerry Poe
Add/Remove Unions. Summary. The EVOLVE Add/Remove Unions feature allows the insertion of couplings along a selected run of conduit (or any system family). eVolve tab ⮞ Conduit Bends panel ⮞ Add/Remov…
Updated 6 months ago by Adam Heon
The Optimize Bends features allow for a streamlined workflow for prefab and design optimization, with much less time needed to be spent cleaning up groups of bends. With these new tools, a designer c…
When it comes to modelling efficiently, every click counts. To keep the workflow as smooth as possible, we now have the Align Bends and Maintain Spacing commands. The Align Bends tool can align a who…
Convert to Smart Bend. Summary. Replaces a native Revit conduit offset or kick 90 bend with an EVOLVE Electrical smart bend. eVolve tab ⮞ Conduit Bends panel ⮞ Smart Bend menu ⮞ Convert to Smart Bend…
Optimize Bend - Move Selected End. Summary. The Optimize Bends features allow for a streamlined workflow for prefab and design optimization, with less time spent cleaning up groups of bends. With the…
Optimize Bend - Consume Adjacent. Summary. The Optimize Bends features allow for a streamlined workflow for prefab and design optimization, with less time spent cleaning up groups of bends. With thes…
Optimize Bend - Consume And Center. Summary. The Optimize Bends features allow for a streamlined workflow for prefab and design optimization, with less time spent cleaning up groups of bends. With th…