Add/Remove Unions

Add/Remove Unions


The EVOLVE Add/Remove Unions feature allows the insertion of couplings along a selected run of conduit (or any system family).

  • eVolve tab ⮞ Conduit Bends panel ⮞ Add/Remove Unions button


To place unions
  1. From the eVolve Ribbon, in the Conduit panel, click the Add/Remove Unions button
  2. From the drawing area, select the run(s) to add unions.
  3. From the Options Bar, click Finish
  4. From the Add/Remove Unions window, select the desired options in the Place Unions panel and click OK.
  5. From the drawing area, click toward the left or right of the view to show which direction to implement the change.

To delete unions
  1. From the eVolve Ribbon, in the Conduit panel, click the Add/Remove Unions button
  2. From the drawing area, select the run(s) to remove unions.
  3. From the Options Bar, click Finish
  4. From the Add/Remove Unions window, select the desired traversal option in the Delete Unions panel and click OK.
  5. From the drawing area, click toward the left or right of the view to show which direction to implement the change.

NOTE: The Add/Remove Unions' predefined selection filter can be modified via the Selection Configuration. Please see the link in the Relevant Articles below.

Window Overview

Place Union radio button panel
  • Entire Path - places unions along the entire run.
  • Change of Direction - places unions from the defined starting point and direction until the direction changes, like an elbow, tee, cross, etc.
  • Single Location - allows users to point and click to place a union along the run.
    NOTE: when placing a single union, the command will stay active until the ESC button is pressed.
  • Spacing - used to specify the spacing between unions. The default spacing is 10’ - 0".
  • Minimum Length - if the length of the last straight in the run exceeds the Spacing + Minimum Length, then the union is moved back to ensure the last straight maintains the defined minimum length. For example, if the last straight section is 10' - 6" and the defined spacing is 10' - 0", then the union is placed at 9' 6" instead of 10' - 0" to maintain a 1' - 0" minimum length at the end of the run.
  • Align Unions in Parallel Runs - when unchecked, each run has unions placed independently from other runs.

Delete Union radio button panel
  • Entire Path - removes all unions along the entire conduit run
  • Change of Direction - removes all unions from the defined starting point and direction until the direction changes, like an elbow, tee, cross, etc.

Tips and Tricks

  • When modeling with eVolve Electricals advanced conduit tools, such as optimize bends and auto-couplings, we recommend using the following workflow:
    1. Model conduit runs utilizing our smart bend families. (Without adjusting them)
    2. Use Align Conduit when necessary for conduit spacing
    3. Optimize the bends using Consume Selected End and/or Consume Adjacent Ends commands and make any adjustments
    4. Use Align Couplings to align the bend couplings
    5. Use Place Couplings to place couplings along the run (We recommend using the "Change of Direction" option when using this workflow and using steps 2-5 section by section)
  • Staggering couplings - unchecking the Align Unions in Parallel Runs checkbox will stagger the couples so that couplings do not block tools like wrenches when tightening compression couplings.

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