Smart Bend Multi-Trim

Smart Bend Multi-Trim


The Smart Bend Multi-Trim feature adds bends families to allow multi-trimming of families not aligned or on different X,Y, and/or Z planes. This feature connects one or more conduit runs with eVolve Offset or Kick 90 smart bends.

  • eVolve tab ⮞ Conduit Bends panel ⮞ Smart Bend menu ⮞ Smart Bend Multi-Trim button


Using Smart Bend Multi-Trim

Must use the following eVolve bend families v8 or higher

  • Kick 90 - eE_CN_Kick_90_v8+
  • Offset - eE_CN_Offset_v8+

  1. From the eVolve ribbon, in the Conduit Bends panel, click Smart Bend Multi-Trim.
  2. From the drawing area, select the first runs to trim/extend and click Finish from the Options Bar.
  3. From the drawing area, select second runs to trim/extend and click Finish from the Options Bar.

NOTE: This feature will require the use of 2-piece bend families. If eVolve detects that a 2-piece bend family is not loaded, users are prompted to load the proper family.

Tips and Tricks

  • Hold SHIFT to replace a native Revit conduit offset or kick 90 bend with an eVolve Smart Bend.

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