Modifying Cable Tray Clearance

Modifying Cable Tray Clearance

Edit Clearance

This option adjusts the visibility and size of selected cable tray clearances.

Editing Clearances
  1. From the eVolve ribbon, in the Clearance panel, click Edit Clearance.
  2. From the drawing area, click the desired clearance to modify.
  3. From the Edit Clearance Settings window, modify or make new elections from the Clearances and Options panels, then click OK.

 Split Clearance

This function transforms a continuous clearance path into a series of segmented elements, splitting the clearance zone at the connection points of selected clearances.

Splitting Clearances
  1. From the eVolve ribbon, in the Clearance panel, click Split Clearance located in the menu.
  2. From the drawing area, click the desired cable tray run. Clearances on all elements in the selection are split.

Merge Clearance

This function will attempt to combine clearance zones that are near the connection of two cable tray elements.

Merging Clearances
  1. From the eVolve ribbon, in the Clearance panel, click Merge Clearance located in the menu.
  2. From the drawing area, click the starting cable tray element for the clearance merge to start.
  3. From the drawing area, click the ending cable tray element for the clearance merge to stop. All cable tray clearances between the starting and stopping elements are merged.

Repair Clearance

This function rebuilds the internal cache and performs calculations to ensure existing clearance elements are linked to valid hosts, and removes orphaned clearance zones.

Repairing Clearances
  1. From the eVolve ribbon, in the Clearance panel, click Repair Clearance located in the menu.
  2. From the drawing area, click the desired cable tray run.

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