1-4 Tier Angled Steel Underground Riser
The eVolve team has created a new angled steel riser/skid family to provide even more options when modeling underground conduit. The family is fully parametric and can be made to contain from 1 to 4 tiers with additional vertical, horizontal, and diagonal support options.

Instance Parameters

Rack Tiers- Select 2,3, or 4-Tier, for desired option, uncheck all three for a 1-Tier rack.
Rack Dimensions- Enter dimensions for rack overall width, length, and height.
Vertical Tier Supports- Offsets for each available tier. Measured from face of tier to face of next tier.

Show Vertical Support 2- Visibility control of optional vertical support section.

Vertical Support 2 Offset- Offset of vertical support 2 from the main vertical support above it.
Horizontal Tier Supports- Offsets for each available tier. Measured from face of tier to face of next tier above it.

Show Horizontal Support 2- Visibility control of optional horizontal support section.

Horizontal Support 2 Offset- Offset of horizontal support 2 from the main horizontal support.
Show Diagonal Supports- Visibility control of optional diagonal supports.
Diagonal Support Offset- Adjust the where the diagonal supports mount (vertical and horizontal are equal). Steel length will auto-adjust to fit.

Strut Depth 7/8"- Select if this size is desired
Strut Depth 1 5/8"- Select if this size is desired
Slotted Strut- Select to use slotted strut in the family, unchecked will be solid strut.
Type Parameters
Default Elevation- default 0'0"
eVolve Material- Change rack material here
Recommended Workflow
- Model Conduit
- Measure Conduit offsets and height off of level
- Place the Riser in the approximate area
- Edit the Riser dimensions and offsets to match
- Use the Align command in multiple views to move the riser into position
- Make any further adjustments to the rack using its instance or type parameters