RediRail Straight Ladder
Updated 3 years ago
Adam Heon

Family Overview

- Length Options
- Tray Length- Length of modeled piece
- Length 10' Segments- Default segment length option
- Length 12' Segments- Default segment length option
- Tray Width- Select a width from the available options
- Bottom Type
- Ladder 6" Rung- 6" Rung Spacing
- Ladder 9" Rung- 9" Rung Spacing
- Ladder 12" Rung- 12" Rung Spacing
- Knockout Types- Select a knockout option
- Blank
- KO 1/2"
- KO 3/4"
- KO 1"
- KO 1-1/4"
- KO 1-1/2"
- Extras
- Divider Center- Turns on a center tray divider
- Divider Left- Turns on a tray divider to the left of center
- Divider Right- Turns on a tray divider to the right of center
- Splice Plates at Base Point- Turns on splice plates on the end of the straight ladder
- Bonding Lug- Turns on a bonding lug on the end of the straight ladder
- Clearance Zone
- Show Clearance- Toggles clearance visibility
- Clearance Height- Height of clearance section
- Clearance Side 1- Clearance to the side of the ladder
- Clearance Side 2- Clearance to the other side of the ladder
Type Properties
- Tray Height- Select a tray height from the available options below
- Height 4"
- Height 5"
- Height 6"
- Height 7"
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