Export Utility Tool
Source tab
Queries of Items to Export menu
Column Headers
- Element Filter - used to define an element filter that is applied to views and/or sheets. The selection criteria is saved and used when exporting the same views and/or sheets more than once.
- For example: if coordination views need to be exported weekly, an Element Filter can be used to define all views that contain the word 'Export' within the View Name. Once configured, users can run the export function without manually selecting the views.
- Enabled - when checked, enabled filters are applied during the Run Export function. The Preview tab can be used to verify which views and/or sheets are being exported.
Record Navigator buttons
- Add - used to add a new row to the grid.
- Delete - used to delete selected row(s).
- Duplicate - used to duplicate selected rows.
- Export Grid - exports the grid as currently displayed to Excel.

Individual Items to Export gird
Column Headers
- Name - displays the View Name or Sheet Name
- Number - displays the Sheet Number
- Type - displays either Views or Sheets
- Sub Type - displays the View Type or Drawing Sheet (for Sheets)
Record Navigator buttons
- Export Grid - exports the grid as currently displayed to Excel.

Run Export button - exports the Views and/or Sheets defined within the Source tab, to the location defined within the Destination tab.

Destination tab
Output File Names panel
- Sheets menu - defines the file name for sheet exports.
- Views menu - defines the file name for view exports.
- Additional options to append to file name:
- Append date to file name checkbox - this will append the export date to the file name in a "_YYYY-MM-DD" format.
- Append time to file name checkbox - this will append the export time to the file name in a "_HHMM" format.

Publish Locations grid
Column Headers
- Output To - defines the output location type; desktop/network folders or sending to Foresite drawing register.
- Location - defines the folder location for the export files
- Source Filter - element filter used to further direct the files (defined within the Source tab) to specific folders. If no source filter is defined, then all views and/or sheets will be exported to the location that is set.
- For example: if sheets that contain the word "Coordination" within the Sheet Name need to go to Folder A, and all other sheets go to Folder B. This source filter would be used to direct those sheets accordingly. The Source tab defines what views and/or sheets will be exported, while the destination tab defines where they go.
- Additionally, this does not limit views and/or sheets to a single location. Multiple destinations may be defined if the desired output requires the same views and/or sheets to be duplicated or sent to multiple folder destinations.
- For example: if sheets that contain the word "Coordination" within the Sheet Name need to go to Folder A, and all other sheets go to Folder B. This source filter would be used to direct those sheets accordingly. The Source tab defines what views and/or sheets will be exported, while the destination tab defines where they go.
- Format - defines the export format.
- For example: if sheets are required to be exported to both a PDF and DWG format, then each must be specified in a separate row within the Publish Locations grid. They can be sent to the same folder location, but the format could vary.
- PDF is only available in Revit 2022 and higher
- Enabled - when enabled, the defined destination will be applied to the export.
Record Navigator buttons
- Add - used to add a new row to the grid.
- Delete - used to delete selected row(s).
- Duplicate - used to duplicate selected rows.
- Export Grid - exports the grid as currently displayed to Excel.

Preview tab
Preview grid
Column Headers
- Name - displays the View Name or Sheet Name
- Number - displays the Sheet Number
- Type - displays either Views or Sheets
- Sub Type - displays the View Type or Drawing Sheet (for Sheets)
- Output Name - displays the file name based on the settings within the Output File Names panel within the Destination tab.
- Destinations -displays the destination specified from the Destination tab.
Record Navigator buttons
- Export Grid - exports the grid as currently displayed to Excel.

Options tab
NOTE: the tabs found in this section of the Export Utility contain the available export formats and options which Revit provides through its API. Not all formats and options may be available as they are within native Revit. Below are the Revit help articles for further information regarding each format and their options
- DWG/DXF Export
- DWF Export
- IFC Export
- NWC Export
- PDF Export - IMPORTANT: PDF output format is not currently supported in Revit 2020 or Revit 2021
- Dynamic Values