Keyboard Shortcuts (Hot Keys)

Level 1 - Fundamentals

Assign EVOLVE Hotkeys

Assigning hotkeys to EVOLVE features is just like assigning hotkeys to native Revit features. Navigate to the View ribbon, User Interface / Keyboard shortcuts. Search for the EVOLVE feature you want and assign the hotkey. Click HERE for more information.

When searching for EVOLVE features within the Keyboard Shortcuts menu, any feature that is present within the contextual ribbon (Modify ribbon) will be listed twice. 1 path will begin with eVolve Electrical>, the 2nd path will begin with Modify>. Only assign hotkeys to EVOLVE features that have a path which begins with eVolve Electrical>.

For example: Rotate commands

Special Feature Hotkeys

Hotkeys can be assigned to two EVOLVE features that are different than any of the others:

  1. Family Browser
    This provides users the ability to assign hotkeys to any family type within the family browser.
  2. Element Filter
    This provides users the ability to assign hotkeys to any element filter rule.

Within each of these features, there is a column within the grid for "Hotkeys". Users can enter any character(s) to assign the specific rule or family a hotkey. To activate these hotkeys users by clicking the corresponding "Hotkey" button found within the EVOLVE Ribbon nested under the feature button.

When clicking the hotkey button, a dialog will appear which will "listen" for the next set of hotkeys to be entered. Users will have a few seconds to enter the hotkey for the specific family or rule before the command ends.

Hotkey the Hotkey

The intent of this feature is to hotkey the feature hotkey button, this will allow users to quickly use the first hotkey which activates the feature hotkeys, then enter the second rule/family-specific hotkey to run the desired function.

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