Auto Route

Auto Route


Automatically route conduit runs along a user-defined pathway. This feature requires modeling an EVOLVE Pathway along with Start and Finish elements that align with the project Conduit Run Schedule.

  • eVolve tab ⮞ Conduit Data panel ⮞ Auto Route button



  1. Place elements (commonly equipment) corresponding with the Start and Finish of conduit runs from the Conduit Run Schedule, identifying each elements Id Parameter.
    Note: Id Parameter is configured in Auto Route Settings and is set to Equipment_Id by default.
  2. Create a pathway for conduit runs by utilizing the eE_PW_Pathway family.
    NOTE: Load the eE_PW_Pathway family from System Families.
  3. From the eVolve Electrical ribbon, in the Conduit Data panel, click Auto Route.
  4. From the Auto Route window, use the grid to select the desired conduit runs.
  5. Click OK.
    NOTE: Start and Finish elements must be within the configured distance configured of the selected pathway. See Distance From Pathways in Auto Route Settings.

Window Overview

Routing Options panel

  • Extend to Equipment checkbox - This option will add an elbow and a straight conduit which will extend to the Start and Finish equipment elements.
    NOTE: This option will "stub down" or "stub up" to the equipment from the pathway.

Available Runs panel

Grid Columns
  • Selection - Used to select conduit runs for automatic routing.
  • Run Id - Inherited from the Conduit Run Schedule, displays the user-defined run identifier.
  • System - Inherited from the Conduit Run Schedule, displays the systems defined in Conduit Run Schedule Options.
  • Start - Inherited from the Conduit Run Schedule, displays the Equipment Id where the run originates.
  • Finish - Inherited from the Conduit Run Schedule, displays the Equipment Id where the run terminates.
  • Parallel Qty - Inherited from the Conduit Run Schedule, displays the number of parallel conduits in a run.
  • Size - Inherited from the Conduit Run Schedule, displays the conduit size of the run.
  • Type - Inherited from Conduit Standard in the Conduit Run Schedule, displays the conduit standard of the run.

Tips and Tricks

  • For multi-tier runs use Auto Route to place conduit runs at one elevation, then adjust the pathway to a new elevation and place more Runs.
    NOTE: Runs will be routed at the Middle Elevation of the pathway family.
  • The width of the pathway does not constrain how many conduits can be placed on the pathway.

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