Duplicate Equipment_Id Error

Duplicate Equipment_Id Error


When running the Auto Route feature, an error called "eE: Duplicate Equipment_Id" pops up and prevents the user from completing the operation.

Error State Correction

  1. Create an Element Filter as follows:
    1. Filter Name
      Give the element filter a unique name to help it be easily identified, and add a Group and Sub Group to better organize it within any grid it's displayed.
      1. Filter Name text box - Equipment Id
      2. Group - EVOLVE Electrical
      3. Sub Group - Equipment
    2. Categories
      Ensure Electrical Equipment is the only category selected.
      TIP: Click the Hide unchecked Categories checkbox to quickly see all of the categories that are selected.
    3. Rules
      1. Parameter - Equipment_Id
      2. Operator - is equal to
      3. Input Type - Prompt for Value
      4. Value - blank
    4. Default Filter Action
      Ensure the Default Filter Action checkbox is checked and the Isolate (Temporary) option in the menu is set.
  2. Run the element filter while in a view that has the relevant electrical equipment available. When prompted, type in the first Start or Finish value from the Conduit Run Schedule.
  3. Refer back to the Conduit Run Schedule as needed, and verify that each Start or Finish value only has one piece of equipment during the element filter's temporary isolation.
  4. Once you discover which value is duplicated, remove or change one of the elements' Equipment_Id parameter to a unique value.

Window Overview

  • OK button - Dismisses the error message.
  • X button - Dismisses the error message.

Best Practices

  • As the Equipment_Id parameter is being filled out on electrical equipment, ensure each element has a unique value.


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