Knowledge Base > User Guides > Cabling
Cable Schedule. Summary. Once cable runs have been drawn and assigned, eVolve Electrical concatenates the device and cable data into the Project Cable Schedule window. From the Project Cable Schedule…
Updated 7 months ago
Route Cable. Summary. Automatically routes and draws cable runs and creates data to apply to eVolve cable schedules. eVolve tab ⮞ Cabling panel ⮞ Route Cable button. Usage. From the eVolve ribbon, in…
Updated 4 months ago by Adam Heon
Start Cable. Summary. There may be instances when auto-run may not route a cable to a specific need. The Start Cable feature allows users to manually route some or all of a cable run, while still mai…
Assign Cable. Summary. Each auto-routed cable run assigns a cable to the starting device and populates the cable data in the device properties. Cables can be reassigned as needed by using the Assign…
Delete Cable. Summary. The feature deletes the selected run(s) from end to end, including all connected elements (excluding the devices) and removes the assigned device parameters for each cable. eVo…
Updated 4 months ago