Foresite Properties

Foresite Properties

Project Information panel

Foresite Project panel
  • Assign Project button - used to create a new or designate an existing Foresite project to the current Revit model.
  • Sync Project button - used to transfer active project and model information to/from Revit and Foresite.
Revit Project panel
  • Project Name - displays the name of the current Revit project.
  • Project Number -displays the number of the current Revit project.

Foresite Data panel

IMPORTANT: The counts and totals are not real-time values. The Foresite module information displayed in the panels reflects counts and totals at the time the project/model was last synced. The instance the project/model ar synced, the information becomes stale.

Materials checkbox panel

When the checkbox is enabled, the module is active, allowing Revit and Foresite project and model information to be synchronized.

  • Data Profile panel
    • Data Profiles menu - displays all Data Profiles associated with eVolve Materials.
      TIP: To associate a Data Profile with eVolve Materials. From the Data Profiles window, ensure eVolve Materials is selected in the Column Name List cell for the desired profile(s).
    • Upload batch size panel - sets the number of records sent to Foresite when synchronizing.
      NOTE: the default of 500 should always be used, but if sending large amounts of data or internet connectivity is poor, the value may be modified.
    • Element Count - displays the element count when last synced.
    • Previous Element Count - displays the element count prior to the last synced count.
    • Data Profiles button - launches the Data Profiles manager.
Locations checkbox panel

When the checkbox is enabled, the module is active, allowing Revit and Foresite project and model information to be synchronized.

  • Foresite Locations - displays the number of Foresite locations when the project was last synced.
  • Revit Locations - displays the number of Revit locations when the project was last synced.
  • Quantity Mapped - displays the number of Revit locations linked to Foresite locations when last synced.
  • Location Manager button - launches the Location Manager.

Assign Project window

Upon opening a model, the following dialog will display allowing the model to be associated with a Foresite project. Once the model is saved, this prompt will not be displayed again. However, the project association may be modified by clicking the Foresite Properties button and selecting a different project in the Select the existing project which is associated with this model menu.

Select the existing project which is associated with this model panel
  • Select the existing project which is associated with this model menu - used to display all existing Foresite projects that the current user has been added as a member.

NOTE: multiple models may be associated with a Foresite project.

  • Create New Project button - used to create a project locally that will exist in the site.
    • Newly created projects will only be visible to the user that has created the project. Other users will not be able to select/associate the project to model(s) until they are added as a member of the project.
  • Refresh button - Used to update the Select the existing project which is associated with this model menu.

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