Intro To Supports
EVOLVE supports features that provide placement automation, along with, clash detection and avoidance during placement. Also included are support families which report the proper quantities and prefabrication information.
Support Families
EVOLVE provides the following types of families that work with the features below:
- Strut Trapeze - 1 thru 4 tier
- Single Support (Minnerallac)
- Seismic Support
- Duct Spacer
Place Hangers
The feature will place user-defined hangers at the user-defined interval, these definitions and settings are part of the placement profile. This profile defines:
- Placement spacing requirements
- Family settings/configuration
- Collision detection
Placement profiles are saved per project, so all users within that project can use the same placement profiles. During the placement command users can select one of the following attachment methods:
- Nearest Structure
- Distance below level
- Linked Model
- Reference Plane
Click HERE for more information.
Place Seismic
Places a seismic support family onto an EVOLVE trapeze family. The placement dialog allows users to choose a placement method and angle, the seismic family can be adjusted manually as needed.
Click HERE for more information.
Duct Spacers
Places duct spacers template families along a user-selected group of conduits. The duct bank template family will be sized according to the selection and user settings. The placement intervals are defined during placement, users can manually adjust templates if needed.
Click HERE for more information.
Clash Detection
Clash detection can be run as part of a placement profile for hangers or separately via the Clash Detection button. Both options will highlight conflicts with hanger rods and any non-structural elements. Clash avoidance can also be run during placement if enabled.
Click HERE for more information.

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