Knowledge Base > User Guides > Points
Create Points. Summary. Places points within the current view with a variety of placement methods. eVolve tab ⮞ Points panel ⮞ Create Points button. NOTE : Hold SHIFT + Click to place points within a…
Updated 1 month ago
Point Manager. Summary. Allows users to view/modify point information, update statuses, and export points. eVolve tab ⮞ Points panel ⮞ Point Manager button. Prerequisites. Intro To Points. Create Poi…
Updated 4 months ago
Point Manager Settings. Summary. The Point Manager Settings area allows users to define and configure various settings regarding the point coordinates, backgrounds, and linked points. eVolve tab ⮞ Re…
Updated 4 months ago by Kerry Poe
Rather than adding points to each instance of an object, it can be much faster to have points already nested into the family, so that when the object is placed, the point(s) is ready for use. Nesting…
Updated 2 years ago by Adam Heon