Knowledge Base > User Guides > Sleeves
Sleeve Settings. Summary. As with hangers, the Sleeve Placement feature in eVolve is controlled by rules dictated through Sleeve Settings. Here you can create custom rule sets for placement and choos…
Updated 9 months ago by Adam Heon
Auto Place Sleeves. Summary. The summary should speak to the user, why this feature is useful and what are the benefits. eVolve tab ⮞ Sleeves panel ⮞ Auto Place Sleeves button. Prerequisites. Sleeve…
Updated 11 months ago
Place Sleeve. Summary. The summary should speak to the user, why this feature is useful and what are the benefits. eVolve tab ⮞ Sleeves panel ⮞ Place Sleeve button. Usage. For the following steps, th…
Updated 11 months ago by Adam Heon
Convert to Box-Out. Summary. The summary should speak to the user, why this feature is useful and what are the benefits. eVolve tab ⮞ Sleeves panel ⮞ Convert to Box-Out button. Prerequisites. Place S…