Convert to Box-Out

When you have multiple sleeves in close proximity, you can easily convert these to an overall Box Out. Simply use the Convert to Box Out command to combine your individual sleeves.

  1. Click the command
  2. Select the sleeves you would like to convert to a Box Out.
  3. Enter your placement options (below).

Load From Predefined menu panel

Displays the rule sets defined in Sleeve Settings. If a rule set is selected, the fields below are automatically populated with the rule set's values.

Box Out panel

  • Family menu - displays the available Sleeve families to use when converting.
  • Type menu - displays the available Sleeve types to use when converting.

Extension Values panel

The Box Out's default dimensions are determined by the host's depth, while the height and/or width are determined by the spacing and/or size of the selected element(s). The extension values increase the Box Out's default dimensions by the specified values.

  • Depending on the box out type(rectangular or round), possible extension fields include:
    • Width
    • Height
    • Length
  • Do not require host to place box out checkbox - EVOLVE requires a hosting element defined in the box out rule set to place a box out; selecting this option removes that requirement.
    • BoxOut Length dialog box - used to define the overall box out length when the hosting requirement is removed.

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Sleeve Settings

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