Intro to Bend Families
Modeling Workflow
With native Revit, each type of bend requires multiple views and utilizing various tools, like dimensioning, splitting, trimming, etc, in order to accurately model the desired bend. The goal of EVOLVE bend families is to provide users with a fast and more accurate method to model conduit bends. The general workflow is:
- Insert bend family.
Bend families are typically "inserted' by selection and elbow or coupling and changing the family type (kicks, offset, saddles). Or the EVOLVE Smart Bend trim command can also be used for trimming or converting native Revit bends into smart bends. - Convert to bend.
Converting a bend family means checking the "Convert" parameter that is found as the top parameter within the properties window. By checking this parameter, the corresponding family parameters become active and allow the family to adjust. - Adjust bend.
Each bend has unique adjustments, EVOLVE provides the parameters required to adjust the height, angle, size, and length of all aspects of the bend itself. Built-in constraints do not allow the bend to exceed a pre-define length.
TIP: The maximum conduit length that is used for calculating the constraints is found within the type properties of each family, the default value is set to 10'-0".
Bend Families
Each family has 4 types, based on material/fittings:
- EMT Compression
- EMT Set Screw
The types of bends available are:
User Parameters
Each family has its own unique set of parameters that are specific for the type of bend, however, there are also a set of common parameters that control similar functions across all bends.
Common Instance Parameters:
- Convert - this check box will convert the family into an active bend family, making the instance parameters active.
- Nose_Minimum_Length - when checked, the bend family will use a minimum nose length as the default length. When unchecked, the Nose_Length parameter will become active which controls the actual nose length.
- Nose_Length - defines the nose length of the bend, only active IF Nose_Minimum_Length is unchecked.
- Tail_Remnant_Length - when checked, the tail length will extend to its maximum extent based on the remaining length that's available.
- Set_Overall_Bend_Length - when checked, the Overall_Bend_Length parameter becomes active and will adjust the overall bend length.
- Overall_Bend_Length - defines the overall bend length (tail end to back of bend or nose end), only active IF Set_Overall_Bend_Length parameter is checked.
- Angle - read-only parameter, displays the active angle
- Use_Custom_Angle - when checked, the Angle_Override parameter becomes active and will adjust the bend angle.
- Angle_Override - defines the angle of the bend, only active IF Use_Custom_Angle parameter is checked.
Common Type Parameters:
- Use_Overall_Length_in_BOM
- When unchecked, the eVolve_Length for each bend will = the Max_Conduit_Length. This is used to have each bend represent a full length of the conduit; for any bend smaller than a full length, the extra length is considered as waste.
- When checked, the calculated overall length of each bend is reported as the eVolve_Length. This is used to schedule the actual overall length for each bend.
- Max_Conduit_Length - defines the overall max conduit length that will be used to determine the "full length" of the conduit. This would typically be set to either 10 or 20 feet.
Bend Information Parameters
All bend information parameters are prefixed with "eE_ConduitBend_" and are reporting parameters based on the condition of the specific bend family. There are 2 types of reporting parameters:
- Bend angle and length values - these values are the actual angle and length values of the bend itself (nose, tail, hypotenuse, etc)
- Mark values - the mark values are the physical marks that get made on the conduit in order to create each bend. The values are calculated based on the settings found within the project bend settings.
- Report bend information parameters align with a corresponding Bend Legend which can be found with the EVOLVE project template file.
Tip: EVOLVE Sample files provide example reports including conduit bend reports.
This typically means that the conduit bend would need to be cut after the initial bend is made.

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